12629 McCourtney Road
Grass Valley, CA 95949
First Tuesday Educational Forum Presents:
Amanda Wilcox
Founder and President
Nevada-Placer Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
Amanda moved to Nevada County in 1977 following her graduation from Earlham College in Indiana. She had a long career in education, serving four terms as President and Board member of a school district. Always disturbed by gun violence and its effect on innocent victims, Amanda never thought that she would be touched personally until 2001, when her bright and beautiful daughter Laura was killed in a senseless shooting rampage in Grass Valley by a man suffering from severe mental illness. Following Laura’s death, Amanda and her husband Nick began advocating for gun violence prevention and improved mental health care.
Laura’s Law, which permits court-ordered assisted outpatient treatment for persons with serious mental illness, was named after their daughter. First implemented in Nevada County, Laura’s Law has since been adopted by several counties in California. Amanda is also the founder and President of the Nevada-Placer Counties Chapter of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Since 2005, she and her husband Nick have served as advocates for sensible gun regulation in the California Legislature, and were instrumental in the enactment of significant laws restricting access to assault weapons and keeping firearms out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill.
Thanks in large part to Wilcox’s’ efforts, California has some of the toughest gun safety laws in the nation. Amanda also advocates on behalf of California Crime Victims serves on the Nevada County Mental Health Board and the Nevada County Suicide Prevention Task Force.
Pizza & Salad Provided. Beverages available, including water and soda
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