415 North Pine Street Nevada City CA
“GIVE PEACE A SONG” is the Nevada County Peace and Justice Center’s annual party/fund raiser – giving a platform for those who speak out and to sing out for an end to war, violence and environmental destruction – and to build our culture of peace. There will be: Music, Poetry, Activists, Food and hot beverages; Activist Art will adorn the walls.
Join in the sing-a-longs!
The entire Community is invited to attend!
Donations Gratefully Accepted!!!
YOU ARE INVITED as people of faith, conscience, and goodwill in the spirit of nonviolence and hope to come and join in speaking out publicly for an end to war, poverty, and environmental destruction. The event takes place from Sunday, Sept. 26 from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. at the Nevada City Veterans’ Hall at 415 N. Pine Street, Nevada City. Doors open at 1:30 to view the art. For more information visit www.ncpeace.org or on Facebook. The event is free and open to the public, but donations will be appreciated! Free food and beverages.