950 Maidu Ave. Nevada City
The League of Women Voters of Western Nevada County will sponsor a Candidate’s Night forum for candidates who may represent Nevada County residents: two US Senate candidates; two US House of Representative candidates; and two California State Senate candidates.
All candidates have been invited to present their views on the issues in response to questions posed by the League of Women Voters of Western Nevada County and questions from the media and audience.
Candidate meetings have been around almost as long as the League of Women Voters. In 1924, a small booklet published by the League of Women Voters, suggested that we:
- “hold pre-election meetings and invite all candidates to speak;
- collect and give out nonpartisan information on candidates and issues;
- conduct candidate meetings as a service to the voters because it gives them a means of forming a first-hand judgment of the candidates, and as a service to the candidates because it gives them an opportunity to present their views to audiences of varied political affiliation.”
League candidate nights are fair. They are unbiased. They are conducted for informational purposes, without a hidden agenda, and are controlled by principles of nonpartisanship.
We are happy to present our “Meet the Candidates” program where candidates, elected officials, and interested voters meet to listen to issues and ask questions.
The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan political organization that encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government. As part of its Voter Services, The League of Women Voters registers new voters and organizes Candidates Nights whenever there is a contested election.