838 W. Main Street Grass Valley
Many are alarmed these days at the erosion of our democracy, much of which is traced to the influence of big money in our elections. The election season being upon us, it is timely for the League of Women Voters of Western Nevada County to look at the factors that defeat the public will. Three speakers will attempt to cover them, and ask what we can do.
LWV California Government Director, Lee Lawrence, will address such topics as voter-suppression, the California DISCLOSE Act (“Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections,” which passed), the California Petition Disclose Act (SB 651), the Federal Disclose Act (S 229), spending limits in local elections (California AB 1089), and efforts to provide public financing of elections.
Jerry Silverman, of represent.us, will talk about the proposed Anti-Corruption Act. It focuses on other ways Big Money corrupts democracy, such as lobbyists, “revolving door,” politicians fundraising during working hours, super PACS, gerrymandering, and the Electoral College, as well as proposed solutions such as rank voting, public funding of elections, and immediate online disclosure of political money.
Charly Price, of Move to Amend, will address the Citizens United Supreme Court decision of 2010 declaring money speech and corporations to be persons with civil rights, as well as its precedents, its effects on our elections, and efforts to overturn it.
Please join us on March 10, 2018 at Peace Lutheran Church for this timely program. 838 West Main St. Grass Valley. Info at www.lwvwnc.org or president@lwvwnc.org
Refreshments at 9:30 AM, program from 10 to noon.
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy.