120 Bridge Street
Nevada City
On April 22nd the Nevada County Chapter of
Health Care for All-CA will take us an important
step forward in our goal to guarantee health care
for all Californians. How can we best advocate to
get SB 562, The Healthy California Act, passed?
From 1:30 until 4:30pm in the KVMR Community
Room 120 Bridge St. Nevada City, we will have a
training session presented by the Campaign for a
Healthy California. All of the groups in CA who
have been working for Single Payer Universal
Health Care for years have come together in the
Campaign for a Healthy California to pass SB 562.
The Nevada County Chapter of Health Care for All
is the regional coordinator for the Campaign for a
He a l t h y Ca l i f o r n i a , s o pl e a s e s e n d a
representative of any Health Care group within
your organization to this training.
While our energy is hot off the training, we’ll
have a follow-up meeting a week later, April 29th from
11am to 1pm to put our new knowledge into action.
Let’s get all of our health care groups working together.
We know that’s where our strength lies. This meeting
will also be in the KVMR Community Room.